A question for you: would you rather perform for a crowd of 50 dancing and singing along to every word, or a crowd of 500 talking amongst themselves and taking selfies?
I suspect most of you would say the crowd of 50–I certainly would!
As performers, we prefer for our experience to not only be consumed, but to also be remembered. To be remembered, we must captivate the audience, bring them to the edge of their seats.
That, my friends, is what psychologists call engagement.
Social Media provides a toolkit to measure performance. The platforms quantify audience size and engagement. Through comparison of these metrics, we can discern which performances have the crowds of 50 dancing and singing along to every word.
Fear no longer the disappointment of taking a chance on a stale new artist, or the impending overwhelm of scouring the internet for a diamond in the rough.
Enjoy Music News 360, and experience curated artists who have proven their ability to engage on the digital stage.